When you are considering antibiotic treatment for bacterial vs. viral infection
When your patient is visibly sick but lab tests are borderline, LIAISON® MeMed BV® gives you the easy-to-interpret scientific results that help confirm your diagnostic decision-making.
How to interpret the test
0 ≤ score ≤10
High likelihood of viral infection (or other non-bacterial etiology)
10 < score <35
Moderate likelihood of viral infection (or other non-bacterial etiology)
35 ≤ score ≤ 65
65 < score < 90
Moderate likelihood of bacterial infection (or co-infection)
90 ≤ score ≤ 100
High likelihood of bacterial infection (or co-infection)
When used as the first step in clinical evaluation, LIAISON® MeMed BV® delivers targeted information to enhance treatment decisions, helping improve the overall quality of patient well-being.
Enhance patient management
Improve ED patient flow and metrics
Improve utilization of other diagnostic tools
Enhance patient management
Better patient hospital experience
Reduce likelihood of antibiotic misuse
Increase ROI
Reduce hospital costs
Simplify the diagnostic process
Talk to your lab about LIAISON® MeMed BV®
Quick discrimination between the bacterial and viral etiology of an infection is key to ensuring a better standard of care. And because LIAISON® MeMed BV® runs on the same LIAISON® platform already used in many laboratories around the world, adding it to your diagnostic work up is easy.
News and events
Labroots Webinar
“Bacterial or Viral? The added value of an innovative diagnostic solution for responsiveness when facing clinical uncertainties” available from 29.11.22
“LIAISON® MeMed BV®: a powerful diagnostic solution for the quick and easy differentiation of infection etiology” presented at 7th National Congress of Laboratory Medicine, which was held in Italy October 17th to 19th 2022
“Evaluation of LIAISON® MeMed BV® to discriminate bacterial and viral infections”
presented at the 27° Simposio annuale ELAS Italia – LIGAND ASSAY 2022 held on 21-23 November in Bologna, Italy